Tag: Art

Silhouette Bird Art

LI: to learn how to use tone, blending and different brush strokes with paint.

We have been learning how to corporate tones, blending and brush strokes with our art using paint. We chose a bird that is endemic to New Zealand and researched five facts about them. We chose birds because the New Zealand bird of the year award is going to be announced soon on the 31st of October. We looked through different videos that taught us about the technique used in order to get a nice background.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt more about different techniques using paint also found out five different facts about the Kokako Bird.


Whale Tale

LI: to create a design for our LS2 whale tail that tells a story.

My whale tail represents the wisdom of Learning Space 2. There are three baskets drawn on the tip of the tail which are held by a line. There are two stones that are the two main strengths of our class. These all are connected by a line which represents how our class will always stay together and how we are a big family.

The first basket is called “Te kete Tuauri” which represents sacred knowledge. This basket is about the unknown things like: religious practices, prayers and incantations. No matter what religion each person follows, they will still be accepted for who they are.

The second basket is called “Te kete Tuatea” which represents the ancestral knowledge. This is the basket which is known for holding knowledge which goes above our experiences. With each person holding the knowledge of their ancestors, we can all come together to build each others knowledge on a higher level of understanding.

The third or final basket is called “Te kete Aronui” which represents the knowledge before us and knowledge of aroha. The basket symbolizes peace, arts, crafts and living things. With everyone following this basket of knowledge everyone can be kind to each other and build strong/healthy connections.

The two stones on my whale tail design are stones that are known to have remarkable powers. LS2 can be like this because we can do things that are really impressive. The flax represents the growing of our class. Some people have more to improve about themselves and some other people have less to improve. However everyone still has room for expanding themselves to be a more knowledgeable person.



Insect Art

LI: to use nature to create a bee.

LS2 had gone outside to look for pieces of nature which could be used for creating a bee. We looked around our school for leaves, twigs, flowers and more in order to use our creativity. This art was inspired by Raku Inoue who is an artist that bases his artwork off of organic and natural compounds. Using the plant debris for art is a good way to put it into use. When we were looking for materials to use, we knew we needed to keep our insect art simple. I really enjoyed this activity as it brang out my creativity and it was fun.

Kandinsky Art

LI: to use colours that relate to your emotions from the music.

For the past couple of weeks LS2 has been investigating mood and atmosphere. We started by reading a variety of ANZAC poems, and highlighting how each sentence made us feel. Afterwards we answered different questions about how we felt during the poems. 

Our next step was to listen to a montage of music, and use colors to represent how we felt listening to each song. The circles had to be concentric, meaning they started in the middle of our page, and progressed outwards. This art was based of a russian artist by the name of Wassily Kandinsky. He would normally listen to opera music and paint how he feels.  

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